The Queen of Sheba from Ethiopian fresco (c.1100s-1200s), Lalibela, Ethiopia. Zagwe dynasty.
The Queen of Sheba
(also known as Makeda, Makebah-Tamar, Malikat Saba;
Ge'ez: Nigist Saba; Hebrew: מלכת שבא;
Malkat Shva; Arabic: ملكة سبأ)
According to the Kebra Negast (Kebra Nagast, Ge'ez: kəbrä nägäst, "the Glory of Kings"), a nearly 700 year old text from Ethiopic antiquity, the imperial family of the Nile region are offsprings of The Queen of Sheba, named Makeda (mākidā) in the Ethiopian account, which translates literally to "pillow."
Batisterio san giovanni Florence (Italy), Salomon meets the Queen of Saba,
on the Paradise Door of the Florence Baptistry
Menelik I (Menyelek I) (also known as Ebna la-Hakim, Ibn Al-Hakim, "Son of the Wise") was the only offspring of The Queen of Sheba of the ancient Kingdom of Sheba / Axumite Kingdom. King Solomon of ancient Israel was his father. The Queen of Sheba and King Solomon are both referenced within the Christian, Hebrew, and Qur'anic (Koran) Biblical accounts (See Table of Nations (Genesis 10:7)).
Map shows Nile region communities, including
Kingdom of Axum (Aksum) cir. 565 A.D.
This East African kingdom at historical points may at least have included parts of areas of Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Yemen. This early kingdom of antiquity, under the historical throne of Sheba, may have reached as far south as Zanzibar (“San-Sheba” or see Persian: "Zangi-bar" with "Zangi" meaning "Black" and "Bar" meaning "the") in Tanzania. See also Kemet [keh-MET translates "Black Land").
Kebra Negast, available in book form today
The Kebra Nagast is an account originally written in the Ge'ez language (Semetic/Ethiopic/Nilotic) and recounts the origins of the paternal Solomonic line of the Emperors of Ethiopia. The Kebra Nagast is considered by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and Rastafarian communities in the Africas as an inspired and accurate historical account of how The Queen of Sheba met King Solomon and about how the Ark of the Covenant came to the Axum (Aksum, Aksûmite, Tigray-Tigrinya Province) region of current day Ethiopia and Eritrea, upon The Queen's return from ancient Israel with the male child, Menelik I.
According to the Kebra Nagast, Menelik I became the first Imperial ruler of Ethiopia, the first of a line of Aksûmite Kings. The translation of the ancient text records of the Kebra Nagast also contain accounts of the early creation stories of the people of this region, which today's science definitively concludes is the birthplace of humankind and human civilizations.
It is said that Menelik's father, King Solomon, gave the Ark of the Covenant to The Queen of Sheba to be delivered as his prayer that "the New Jerusalem" would have its throne at Axum. In 1967, Edward Ullendorff stated in his famous lectures that "[t]he Kebra Nagast is not merely a literary work, but -- as the Old Testament to the Hebrews or the Qur'an to the Arabs -- it is the repository of Ethiopian national and religious feelings."
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Photo of an Ethiopian antiquity art |
The Queen of Sheba made the northern city of Axum home after returning from her trade journey to Israel. According to Ethiopian tradition, Menelik I and the Ark of the Covenant was brought with Makeda. Many believe Haile Selassie I, born Tafari Makonnen, to be of direct blood lineage from Menelik I, who began the East African Kings' long rule in the region, starting around 950 BCE. Haile Selassie I's royal lineage has been a fact of debate among African scholars. It is known, however, that royal imperial families continue on the African continent despite the more recent historical development of African national governments. The African Continents Kingdom Federation's (ACKF) current leader is Imperial Matriarch Empress Shebah `Ra - Queen Shebah III of the royal family line of African Continent Nubian Nations Sheba Imperial Empire Kingdoms (0/1 Dynasty – 2nd Millennium – 7 Dynasty), a matriarchal throne.
The woman that is behind the queen of Sheba, on the first image, seems to wear something that really looks like a Japanese kimono...
ReplyDeleteyes the Ethiopia's truth is greatly hidden/lied about.
Deleteshe's not black she's from yemen here is her statue
The ORIGINAL people of Yemen ARE Black. Many of them still live there today. Yemen is a place not a race. Black is a Universal Nation and the Foundation of all. Yemen and Ethiopia were part of her Queendom. Why do people get offended when someone great is pointed out as Black (and BEAUTIFUL)? See the work of Dr. Leakey and learn true origins. Stop displaying your envy, ignorance and other than Black Supremacy desire.
DeleteIf people actual do their research Ethiopia was actually a part of africa and our dark skinned people were ruling there as time whent on our dark skinned people was pushed out of Ethiopia through the breeding of european Whites. Also, if you do your research Africans also inhabited Asia so there are a lot of original dark asians if you look at their century old art and statues they are all in the form of a black person... I love that being black makes people uncomfortable see we are a strong race and when and if we ban together again WATCH OUT.. We ruled contents... nations...WE WILL RULE AGAIN
DeleteTalking about white people does not make me uncomfortable.. The fact that white people are always trying to steal what does not belong to the and always feel the need to be the superior race pisses me off... They stole the united States and they stole inventions they stole life and they continue to do so.. Why are white people so uncomfortable with not being the superior race
DeleteAlso I want to point out that there are other Queen Sheba's in Africa that are related to this Queen Sheba. It's like how they queen elizabeth 1 and 2, same thing with Queen Sheba. They don't want to make Queen Sheba "black" because that would mean that hey who married Queen Sheba in the bible? lmao wasn't it King Solomon who was black anyway?
DeleteThrone of Sheba was at Axum, Ethiopia. This ancient African kingdom spread from East Africa region across the Red Sea into what is now called Yemen. The Saba (Sheba) kingdom has its origins in Africa. Today's so-called Arab "Middle East" did not exist back then. See Bloomberg article Queen of Sheba's Palace Discovered in Ethiopia, University Says: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aHkn1LT4dQcU
ReplyDeleteVital information and my curiosity for the myth or the truth has set in motion ambition to continue to research QUEEN of SHEBA
ReplyDeleteI have been studying her for this whole year now... Not sure how conscious you are but you should really make it a point in 2016 to research our history you would be surprised and at the same time question what should be questioned and answer some questions that you may have had deep in your mind.
DeleteSong of Solomon 1:5 (in the bible)
ReplyDelete“I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.”
King James Version (KJV)
@Ethiopianz (Twitter)
A two year old would be able to figure out the true racial origins of Queen Makeda mother of Menelik 1st. Born in Africa now referred to as Yemen. Trying to disquise the FACT that she must have been jet black skinned is infantile and disa disappointingly ridiculous. He in ends the debate
ReplyDeleteLove it
DeleteThe queen was black,and beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI will not be pursuaded that being black skinned is anything other than a GOD given blessing. Queen Makeda was BLACK. Get over it... and I can reveal to all of you who tremble at the sheer Idea that anyone Good or Great can come from the BLACK AFRICAN race, the one to whom 'they' declare as 'The GREATEST Man who ever lived', yes you finally guessed it.CHRIST. CHRIST Was a BLACKMAN and so was his mother MARY. HAPPY 'NEW YEAR'
ReplyDeleteHahah I feel so happy my name IS none other than
DeleteMAKEDA!!! Thanks my educated proud daddy!
can u prove that Jesus and Mary are black
ReplyDeleteGet a bible get a map go to genisis and everytime they speak of a landmark or certain place find it on the map and tell me according to history as we know. What skin color people originally lived there. And also skin that looks like bronze as if burnned in a fire tends too look like a dark brown. And for the record i used to be a christian. Can anyone prove to me that a jesus christ died and then came back to life and floated away and is gonna come back. And if he been watching all this time he is selfish because he watched and still watching kids getting beheaded believing he go save em or all the african and aboriginal babies they killed from ripping them out of thier stomachs. Big ups to Ra. He was burnin the hell out them pale skinned haters for us. We need a new bible that includes the truth with nothing left to imagination.
DeleteJoseph, Mary, and Jesus all fled to the cover of Egypt to escape the murders committed by king Herod. If Jesus had been a white boy, he would have stuck out from the rest of the people and his cover would have been blown.
DeleteRevelation 1:14-15
" His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, His eyes were like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace..."
I really don't understand why this question has to be asked. Both lived in Egypt Africa for decades of course they were people of colour. No aeroplanes or cars to get about quickly just Donkeys Camels and Horses. They did not move far from the area that they were born and raised in. I hope this helps.
ReplyDeletebut my guy where are references to this article? i appreciate the effort to enlighten us.
ReplyDeleteif you can get to sheba you can also get to the pharaoh moses had to deal with . the bible has dates associated with every major happening. that trumps other pursuits. go to jw online library . look up the publications menu under chronology, its a real eye opener.
ReplyDeleteYemen aka East Ethiopia in Africa!
ReplyDeleteIt aint about what colors we are. Its about all getting along with and love one another. How to come together as one. Help one another. Rejoicing together that it's a higher power. He is a pillar of light. Dont no man know what he look like. He came to all mens in diffant ways but same way. Love all. And if you can't put your heart to love. Then you don't love the almighty. Cause love all. No man above one another. All the same.
ReplyDeleteI love how so many speaks truth that my Slavemothers come from King's and queens of Africa. At what turn will our Black children be taught truth of their ancestors history and true beginning. The Bible studied deeply reveals a lot.
ReplyDeleteI am Alecia,from what I can read. It has been sad news and scam to everyone about Voodoo casters or so. But to me they are so real because one worked for me not quite long ago.i met this man on a blog his name is Dr Abalaka is a very powerful man.I traveled down to where his shrine his and we both did the ritual and sacrifice.he had no website yet but he promised to create one as costumers are requesting for it, and now i'm free from the powders of sickness.I don't know about you but Voodoo is real;love marriage,finance, job promotion ,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,diabetic voodoo,hypertensive voodoo,high cholesterol voodoo,Trouble in marriage,Barrenness(need a child),Luck, Money Spells,he also cure any cancer and HIV,it's all he does. I used my money to purchase everything he used he never collected a dime from. He told me I can repay him anytime with anything from my heart. Now I don't know how to do that. If you can help or you need his help write him on (dr.abalaka@outlook.com) and also his cell number: 760-935-3804 you can text him because he use to be very busy some times,i believe that your story will change for better,or if you have any question you can contact me here as 1001madonado@gmail.com best of luck.