The online resource list provided here are valuable as informational, research and networking tools within the Pan-African community. The administrative locations for each organization is listed where available.

African Cooking: t

he African Cooking blog provides an assortment of recipes and video blogs from the kitchens of the African diaspora. A | Los Angeles, CA, USA.

African Kingdom Federation: Federation of major and minor empires and royal kingdoms on continental Africa with Kush-Nubia ancestral lines. | Accra, Ghana, Africa; Conway, SC, USA.

African Union: The AU was organized by African Heads of State and Governments in 1999 to accelerate social, economic and political independence, promote unity and solidarity among African States and to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of member states. Africa.

Afrocentric Interiors: d

esign ideas that help to integrate African inspired textures, patterns and other design aesthetic into home interiors. A | Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Black Think Tank: Drs. Nathan and Julia Hare, a husband and wife team, founded the Black Think Tank in 1979 to promote a movement for better black male/female relations. It has since grown to encompass addressing educational issues related to black children. The organization helps to spearhead rites of passage  initiatives for black boys and address problems with U.S. public school institutions.

 | San Francisco, CA, USA.

Buku Bibliotheca Surinamica buku:

Amsterdam-based booksellers offers a wide selection of rare books with a specialization in works relating to the Africans groups living in and around Suriname, South America. B  | Amsterdam, NL, EU.

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center: This organization has a museum devoted to "the Underground Railroad" and programs that educate the public about modern slavery and human trafficking. F | Cincinnati, OH, USA.

Royal African Society: The Royal African Society is more than 100 years old and is Britain’s prime Africa organisation for in-depth research on the continent of Africa and its people. R

 | London & Edingburgh, UK, EU. T

he African Arguments forum is sponsored by the England and Scotland based Royal African Society and the Social Science Research Council. A

 | Brooklyn, NY, USA.

Women of the African Diaspora:

Social and professional network of women of African descent. Connecting women born on continental Africa and those from the Caribbean, Europe and USA. | Sweden, NL, EU.

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