
African Americans on Maui Association

As part of the 2010 Black History Month, the African Americans on Maui Association hosts a new book release launch of African Americans in Hawaii: A Search for Identity," compiled and edited by Ayin M. Adams, Ph.D., followed by a Special Awards Ceremony. 

Full listing of Black History Month Events on Maui, including events at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center.

Post script: support efforts of local Hawaiian community to preserve African American historical heritage on the island by signing this petition. In 2015, the petition is to be submitted in support of a proposal to the Hawaii State Legislature to establish a Hawaii Commission to Preserve the Cultural Heritage of People of African descent in Hawaii. 


  1. Hey, The essential mission of the African Americans On Maui Association (AAOMA) is to illuminate and educate the group and the populace of the State of Hawai`i, country and the world about the history, culture, commitments and encounters of individuals of African plummet in the United States and Hawaii. The AAOMA instruction mission is to encourage and show all persons about the history, expressions and society, incorporating all ethnicities in the condition of Hawaii. Thanks all!!

  2. compiled and edited by Ayin M. Adams, Ph.D., followed by a Special Awards Ceremony. limo maui

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